This week has been awesome!
fruits of our labor! SO..... the family I talked about last week, the ones who walk forever to get to church, we meet with them almost everyday. It's worth the walk. As we came to the house the other day she came to us with the Book of Mormon in her hands, the one we gave her. She said she had another dream! (Honestly the Guatemalans are so blessed.) She had a vivid dream that she was visited by Joseph Smith and 3 men in all white. And they handed her the Book of Mormon (She can't read, no one in the family can) but the men told her that Elder Hintze and I were to read her the book.She told us this with tears in her eyes and was so excited to see us. I love her so much! We read to her from the Book of Mormon and are teaching her and the family all the lessons. They are getting married this Saturday and Elder Hintze and I are throwing a dope marriage ceremony! We got everything in place! And then they will be getting baptized this Sunday! Love that fam!!
While we were teaching them the other day the older little girl in the family (age 6) came skipping home with the biggest smile on her face. The shoe company, "Toms" went up there in the jungle and dropped off hundred of shoes for the little school kids. It was the coolest thing to see these little kids, who normally don't wear shoes, jumping around with their new kicks. I will buy TOMS for the rest of my life.
We are having so many miracles out here in the field! I can't write about them all! The people here are so prepared! And I am so blessed to be here in Patulul! I love it here!!
We went to Santiago Atitlan! It's where the Waters of Mormon are (supposedly)! It was awesome. I took some pics
Family Letter:
I love you guys!!! I have been doing so great out here in the mission! haha, it's been awesome! We are having a ton of success!! We have 4 baptisms set up this Sunday! and 4 for the next!
We went to Santiago Atitlan. It was so tight. I spent all the money that I got from grandma for my birthday. I got some dope stuff. I'm getting you guys stuff too don't worry:)
So... My diet is terrible. I'm losing a lot of weight so I eat a ton and I already ran out of money for the month! I need to be smarter about my food budget. Elder Hintze and I spent a study time just talking about how he did the same thing when he first came into the field and how to budget my money. haha I will doing a better job at that this upcoming month. ha
I love you guys and random memories of one of you pop into my head randomly during the day. haha it's funny. I am loving my mission and seeing a lot of miracles. The other day we had a baptism fall through.. way hard.. so we prayed for someone to baptize. and we went to find a referral from a member of someone who hasn't been going to church. We didn't find the person we were looking for but because we went down that alley looking for him we found a girl. She moved from another part of Guatemala and she had already received all the lessons and wants to get baptized..... Miracles abound. haha God is blessing us and the people out here! Love you guys!
Elder Buhrley!
ps... My Doc Martins died. I tried fixing them yesterday but I totally tore a hole through a weird part of the sole walking in them. It's weird, but I'm going to try to get them fixed at a shoe repair shop here. They might be past repair though. ha