All great things come to an end. This is my last letter as a full time missionary and I can't really believe it. I would love to just sit here and write down everything I've seen and learned but 1) I wouldn't have time, and 2) I don't think I could ever put it into words.
Matthew-10:39 He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.
Getting lost in the Lord's work has been the greatest thing I have ever done. He has made me into something so much greater than what I could have made myself into. He is the great Carpenter who is always ready to carve and polish us into something beautiful.
I love the mission. I have loved spending days on the grind diligently looking for people to teach. I have loved having the Holy Ghost guide us to someone who needs the Gospel. I have loved teaching and feeling the Holy Ghost testify of my words. I have loved the look in an investigators eyes when he is feeling the power of the Spirit. I have loved seeing them change their lives 180% degrees. I have loved seeing them dressed in all white and the joy in their eyes after they feel forgiveness, and they feel clean. I love the mission. Its the best thing that I have ever done. It wasn't a sacrifice, or a duty, it was a privilege. I feel so blessed to have served. The Atonement has changed me.
Thanks for all the support that you all have given me. I love you all so much. It will be good to be able to see you all.
I'll be giving my 100% until 4pm Saturday.
Elder Buhrley