Well! Happy Thanksgiving! Im doing some late night preparation for a conference that we are having tomorrow so I just thought I would shoot out a quick email!
We have 6 baptisms for this weekend! That's going to be a blast! We are going to have a wedding this Saturday! WOOHOO! We don't have that much time to work in our area so when we are baptizing the way we are its just the mercy of our Heavenly Father. He has seen us working hard:)
I love the mission. I would easily stay here for another two years. I don't want to leave. I feel as though I have finally understood how to baptize, how to lead, how to be a real disciple of Jesus Christ, and now its coming close to an end for me! I am going to enjoy these last few weeks as much as I can!
I will leave the office this Monday to go and train!That's going to be so much fun! I will get to be a normal missionary again! I have learned so much as an assistant. I will use all of these things in my new area, with my kid, and also for the rest of my life! Its a blessing to serve.
Well! I love you guys! Your emails are always fun to receive! Don't worry about Christmas! I will be fine! The only thing I ask for Christmas is that you guys talk to me on Christmas day! haha
I think I am going to buy some scripture casings here though. There is a guy who does them all out of hand and they are all leather and they are really cool. That will be my Christmas:)
Love you family! Take care! Tell everyone at thanksgiving that I love them! Enjoy it!
Elder Buhrley
pics- President Markham
Elder Gonzalez and I after a late night office run and we were both just destroyed