It's been a while!
We have been really busy so it has been hard to get a group email in! We have been working really hard and it feels great:)
I took questions to conference and I received a lot of answers! I received a lot of my answers during the talk by Elder Bednar, "If ye had known me". I invite you all to read that talk because it states how we can have a personal relationship with Christ. What does it mean to have faith in Christ? We have never seen Him but we know that He lives. When we talk about growing your faith or strengthening it, what we are doing is strengthening our conviction of Him and we are coming to know Him. "Do we only know about the Savior, or are we increasingly coming to know Him?"
Angel Andino got baptized! |
Another talk that I loved was by Juan Uceda, he asked a ton of great inspired questions. "When you pray, do you feel like heaven is opened? When was the last time you felt that connection with heaven?" "When you pray, are you really praying or just saying prayers?" "When you pray, do you really, truly want that “not my will, but thine, be done”?"
Conference was incredible! I am grateful that God communicates with us through His servants in these latter days. I love the Gospel with all my heart. I owe my life to it. I am so happy to be sharing this great happiness with everyone here in Guatemala.
I got the chance to go back to Palin, an old area of mine, the other day. I felt such a great happiness in my heart as I was able to see all my converts and see them active in the gospel. I feel so blessed. I absolutely love my savior Jesus Christ and I am so very grateful for this service that He has allowed me to give.
I love you guys!
Elder Buhrley